Endeavour for CommunityEmpowering Our Youth

HKSAR Government Space Sharing Scheme for Youth

As a collaboration between the business sector, NGOs and the Government, this Scheme supports our community’s youth development through the provision of premises that can be used as co-working spaces and studios.

In 2019, Henderson Land offered six units at The Globe in Cheung Sha Wan for use by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council (“HKADC”) and Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong (“ADAHK”) at a HK$1 monthly rent over a six-year term. The units are leased to local artists and art groups, and they have also become training centres for artists with disabilities. In 2021, nine artists and two performing art groups identified by the HKADC through an open recruitment exercise moved into four units called “ADC Artspace (The Globe)”.

ADAHK established “ADA Arts Hub” at The Globe with the space provided by Henderson Land. During 2021, 1,581 training hours were provided to over 4,500 individuals, among them artists with disabilities. Over 2,500 practitioners were also connected for inclusive art at The Globe.

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Endeavour for CommunityEmpowering Our Youth

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Endeavour for CommunityEmpowering Our Youth

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